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NMC NameCoin

 NMC NameCoin

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Register. Bit domainSign in .bitcoins payments accepted .
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NameCoin Total output

Namecoin to Bitcoin price

Namecoin  is a BitCoins technology-based distributed domain name system, its principles just like Bitcoin, the open-source software is the first release date of April 18, 2011.
Namecoin produced in a block transaction is different from the origin of the main Bitcoin block, using a new block chain (blockchain), independent of the Bitcoin block chain, because it is based on Bitcoin, the domain of security, distribution, encryption sex, migration has a mathematical guarantee. Bitcoin can dig the way, while digging Namecoin.
The project discussed and proposed by bitdns, mainly dissatisfied with the current DNS flaw. The only top-level domain name is Namecoin. Bit, registered. Bit domain takes Namecoin.

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