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XPM PrimeCoin

XPM PrimeCoin

Office website:
Client wallet:
Official forum:

Primecoin Exchange:
Mining POOL:
The PrimeCoin(XPM) is released on July 7, 2013, at present it only can use  computer cpu doing mining, and  mining software is the wallet software. XPM is no limit to the total amount, according to that future prime numbers increased. 1 minute blocks, each block of the output depends on the difficulty of cracking primes.

Mining methods:
 1 Open Site → click "Register"
 2 Click "Workers", registered miners, miners name registration user name , the default suffix . Xpm_1, the password is x, may change, subject to change , please press "Update" ( updated )
 3 Click on "How to", download the dedicated ore mining pool XPM software, click "jhPrimeminer v0.21 download" 
4 After the download, unzip , only one folder "jhPrimeminer.exe" file in this folder , create a batch file ( suffix bat.), The specific method is: first create a TXT file, then copy the following this text into a text filejhPrimeMiner.exe-o registered user name . xpm_1-pxNeed to change the contents of the " registered user name " suffix have updated or password , but also by the change after the update. Once saved, the text of the document on the right point "Rename" , the extension . Txt to . Bat
 5 Double-click to run this BAT file , you can achieve mining . Will show the speed and difficulty of each CPU core .
 6 If several computers simultaneously mining , register different miners.

 Client mining methods: 
Download PrimeCoin wallet client , complete synchronization packet to begin mining . Then click on "Help", then click on "Debug Window", then switch to the console, beneath the console input setgenerate true, enter, start mining . Or 'setgenerate true <thread-limit> thread-limit to the number of threads . If two threads setgenerate true 
2, another analogy . If the heat is good, you directly setgenerate true, full dig.Enter getmininginfo view state miningSeparate mining revenue instability.


