Office website:
| http://www.ppcoin.org/ |
Client wallet:
| http://sourceforge.net/projects/ppcoin/files/latest/download?source=files |
Official forum:
| http://www.ppcointalk.org/ |
PPCoin Exchange
| https://btc-e.com/ https://vircurex.com/ https://bter.com/ |
Blockchain Explorer:
| http://ppc.cryptocoinexplorer.com/ |
Mining income calculating:
| http://dustcoin.com/mining |
Mining POOL: | https://ppcoin.d7.lt/ http://ppc.vpool.us/ |
PPCoin total output | http://ppc.cryptocoinexplorer.com/ |
PPCoin released on August 19, 2012 , SHA-256 algorithm has improved btc original technology. Using the proof-of-stake, and adding coin age concept.
PPCoin (PPC) released on August 19 , 2012 , at the BTC original technology has improved. Using the proof-of-stake, and adding coin age concept.
PPCoin bifurcation is Bitcoin project , the goal is to achieve energy efficiency, and to maintain the best possible performance of the original Bitcoin . PPCoin price $ 0.22 , $ 4 million total currency .
PPCoin not have a fixed upper limit money supply , but that does not mean PPCoin significant inflation than Bitcoin. Bitcoin can be likened to gold, gold annual inflation is around 1-3 %, although the gold and the money supply is no known upper limit , but we still know it is reliable scarce commodity .
PPCoin There are two types of casting , work certificates and proof of shareholding . Work proof coinage rate is affected by the impact of Moore's Law , which depends on the doubling of our proven ability to work . And we all know that Moore's Law will eventually end , by which time inflation PPCoin may have been close to the level of gold. The casting proved maximum shareholding of 1% per annum inflation . At the same time , transaction costs PPCoin is destroyed to counter inflation. So overall , PPCoin coinage design is still a very low inflation in the future design , can achieve comparable extent and Bitcoin .
PPCoin reward similar to the way the lottery , the chances of winning will be held according to the number PPCoin miners decided founder Sunny King said that their design is a new concept based on a long-term energy efficiency .
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