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BTC BitCoin

 BTC Bitcoin

Office website:
Client wallet:
PC Client wallet:
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Bitcoin Exchange
Blockchain Explorer:
Mining income calculating: 
Mining POOL: 1, Btcguild
Mine pool address configuration: 3333 or 3333
Mine pool address configuration: 8332 or 3333
3, deepbit
Mine pool address configuration: 8332
4, f2pool
Mine pool address configuration: stratum + tcp :/ / 3333
Bitcoin total output
bitcoins in circulation
Bitcoin real-time total market capitalization (USD)
BitCoin Number Of transations Per Day
Bitcoin USD Exchange Trade Volume
BitCoin Trade Volume VS Transaction Volume Ratio
BitCoin Market Price(USD)
Bitcoin Hash Rate
Bitcoin statistics
Bitcoin mining difficulty

Introduction & FAQ
Brief introduction
Bitcoin is an open source peer-to-peer electronic money and payment network introduced in 2009 by pseudonymous developer "Satoshi Nakamoto". Bitcoin has been called a cryptocurrency because it uses cryptography to secure transactions. Digitally signed payment messages are broadcast to and verified by a decentralized network of computers all over the world. Specialized computers use a proof-of-work system to prevent people from copying and spending the same Bitcoin multiple times, a problem for digital currencies known as double-spending. The operators of these computers, known as "miners", are rewarded with transaction fees and newly minted Bitcoins.
Bitcoins are stored by associating them with addresses called "wallets". Wallets can be stored on web services, on local hardware like PCs and mobile devices, or on paper print-outs. Thefts of Bitcoins from web services and online wallets have been covered in the media, prompting assertions that the safest way to store Bitcoins is in a paper wallet generated on an uncompromised computer by yourself. (read more... )

2008 someone with the pseudonym "Nakamoto (Satoshi Nakamoto)" published a paper, the paper describes the use of Bitcoin, one year after the completion of the first Bitcoin transactions.

HOW to abtain Bitcoin
Users can buy bitcoins, but you can also use a lot of computer algorithms for computation in accordance to "mining" Bitcoin. When the user "mining" Bitcoins, you need to use a computer search 64 numbers on the line, and then by repeated puzzle competition with other prospectors, to provide the necessary figures for the Bitcoin network, if the user's computer to successfully create a set of numbers, then it will get 25 bitcoins.
As the Bitcoin system uses a decentralized programming, so now only get 25 bitcoins in every 10 minutes, and by 2140, the upper limit of the flow of bitcoins will reach 21 million. In other words, Bitcoin system is able to achieve self-sufficiency through coding to protect against inflation and to prevent others to destroy these codes.

Bitcoins can be exchanged for cash??
Sure! You can just ​​contact with bitcoin trading organizations to complete the exchange. Say , Mt.Gox,which is currently the most popular Bitcoin trading platform, but the platform is now only accept new members through an application. In addition there are several large-scale exchanges can be bitcoin exchange and transactions.

why Bitcoin is anonymity because they are built on a decentralized system, Bitcoin is completely independent existence outside unable to close it through some sort of core infrastructure.
"Anonymous" For those who do not want their name and the purchase of goods or services linked to the person who is good enough, outsiders have seen nothing but your Bitcoin wallet address and a bunch of random words and numbers and other information, in addition to any personally identifiable information can be identified. Meanwhile the relative paranoid users, you can also create multiple new wallet free.

How to start
First, your computer should install the latest version of the Bitcoin client, the client will automatically open after download all the data on the network transaction information to local, depending on the speed of this process may take several hours. At this point the account balance is zero, the user can ask a friend to send some money, but more feasible way is to do it or do merchant miners mining acquisitions.
Download Bitcoin dedicated computing tools, and then register a variety of partner sites, the registered user name and password to fill calculation program, and then click the operation officially began.
After the completion of the Bitcoin client installed, you can get a Bitcoin address directly, while others require you to pay for it, you just need to paste the address to others, by the same client will be able to make a payment. After installing the bitcoin client, he will give you assign a private key and a public key. You need to back up your wallet that contains the private key data in order to ensure that the property is not lost if you format the hard drive completely, unfortunately, your bitcoins will be completely lost.
Doing Mining is to use your own computer production bitcoins in the early mining clients this option there, but now has been canceled, the reason is very simple, with an attendance of more and more mining, own one mining may have to dig only 50 coins a few years, so now the miners miners are generally organized into guilds, we dig together. Specific mining methods, You can google and know more...

How to Spend BitCoin
Today, many websites has begun to accept Bitcoin transactions. Including Mtgox accept bitcoin dollar, the euro and other services. Undoubtedly, bitcoin currency has become a real currency.
Needless to say, you can use the money to buy bitcoins. But you can also when miners, "mined" They use your computer search 64 numbers on the line. By repeatedly using a computer to decrypt, you will be competing with other prospectors, to provide the necessary figures Bitcoin network. If your computer has successfully created a set of numbers, you'll get 25 bitcoins.
Bitcoin is a decentralized, the need to create a fixed number of bits per unit of currency in the computing time is now available 25 bitcoins per 10 minutes. To 2140, the upper limit of the flow of bitcoins will reach 21 million. In other words, Bitcoin system is self-contained, can be translated into coding against inflation, to prevent others from sabotage.

Will Bitcoin get in inflation ?
Everyone can manufacture bitcoin, bitcoins do not like spam after inflation as our common currency? In bitcoin generation algorithm, has been limited in mathematics bitcoins in the next 100 years the largest stock of money is 21 million.
If you're using a laptop computing bitcoin, it is likely to run continuously for one year to no avail. Under the current operation speed, 2030 on 20 million bitcoins, then as arithmetic calculation Bitcoin is too difficult, so bitcoin slowly approaching the limit. you can check the total output here

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