Digital currency is electronic money in the form of alternative currency. Digital gold currency and cottage are all digital currency. It is different from the virtual world of virtual currency, because it can be used for real goods and services transactions, but not limited to online games.
Digital GoldIntroductionDigital gold currency is a weight in gold in the form of electronic money named . A typical unit of measurement is the currency grams or troy troy ounce , although sometimes do use yellow Jindinaer units . Digital gold currency by quota or not dispersed gold storage quota to finance . To
January 2006 , the digital gold currency suppliers hold more than 8.6
tonnes of gold as reserves , worth about $ 154 million .SpeciesDigital gold currency issued by many suppliers . Each competing suppliers have issued separate digital gold currency , basically to their company name. Digital gold currency currently in circulation are
e-gold- first digital gold currency provider, was founded in 1996
e-Bullion-2000 founded
e-dinar-2000 founded
GoldMoney-2001 founded
Founded 1MDC-2001
Founded Pecunix-2002
Crown gold-2002 founded
Liberty Reserve-2002 foundede-gold and Liberty Reserve is the most popular digital gold currency provider, has the largest number of users. In terms of the total amount of gold reserves , GoldMoney is the leading supplier ( May 2006 ) . [ 1 ]RiskDigital
gold currency is a physical form of currency , its deposits of gold
rather than the lawful currency of measurement units. Therefore, the purchasing power of gold price fluctuations and related digital gold currency . If gold prices rise, then it becomes more valuable , if gold prices fall, so will the value of the loss. Since there is no specific financial regulations supplier of digital gold currency , so they self- regulated manner. Digital gold currency provider is not a bank , so the bank regulations are not applicable. However
, founded in 2002, is a global digital currency online currency
operators association , exchange, businesses and non-profit association
of users . This
report and the Association for Supervision user reputation changers
were rating, the rating action is based on the fact that the user to
confirm the reports .CriticismDigital gold currency exchange vendors and suppliers has been accused of fraudulent HYIP programs intermediary . In
January 2006 , Business Week reported that the use of e-gold system
ShadowCrew implicated in a large number of identity theft online
community . However, e-gold chairman claimed that any use of e-gold criminal activity never compromise .
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