ALF AlphaCoin
- 30 seconds block target
- 4 confirms per transaction. So every transaction will be confirmed in 2 mins.
- Difficulty retargets every 30 mins, that is every 60 blocks. Also using accelerated retargets at the beginning to completely avoid instamining.
- Total 210,182,000 coins.
- To encorage early adoption the coins per block is high for the first 3 days (block time):
- 1st day: 500 coins per block
- 2nd day: 200 coins per block
- 3rd day: 100 coins per block
- Starting 4th day, it will be 50 coins per block, will be halved every two years (or 2073600 blocks).
- First 1000 blocks of 1000 coins each are premined. This
is used for bounty of various needs. Also the 1000 blocks
are used for checkpoints.
- connection port is 9538, RPC-port 9539
- Scrypt
Alphacoin is a new and innovative decentralized p2p crypto coin. It is based on
Litecoin, and is using the same scrypt algorithm.
Alphacoin is a fast difficulty retarget coin. It matches network hashrate quickly. It has a relative faster transaction confirmation time, so it is actually a real-usable crypto coin in the real-life shopping and other transactions.
How to obtain Alphacoins?
There are several ways. The most frequently used way is to do mining. See “Get Started” section for details.
We also provide faucets for free alphacoins.
Gaming Sites that Accept Alphacoins:
There are also game sites which accept alphacoins (will continue update):
Getting Started
First you need to download the alphacoin client. See “client wallet” section for links.
Once you downloaded the client, unzip it, and follow the steps below:
- Start up alphacoin-qt, wait for it to load, then exit.
- Put alphacoin.conf (see sample file below) in your c:/users/**yourcomputername**/Appdata/Roaming/Alphacoin
- Restart alphacoin-qt, and you should connect and sync.
- For solo mining, launch cgminer or whatever mining program you like and begin mining.
Sample solo mining command looks like this:
cgminer ex: cgminer.exe –scrypt -o localhost:9539 -u **yourusername** -p **password** (without **)
Sample alphacoin.conf file